Hotel Manager – Chief Steward

Published by Alex on

Position Hotel Manager-Chief Steward

Objective Is responsible for all the sections except for deck and engine crew


  • Along with the chef he prepares the provisioning list, after they have
    checked the storage rooms and the refrigerators and sends it to the
    provisioning department (at the office) well in advance.
  • Is responsible in the dining room for: The order of everything during
    serving time. The food should be hot and served correctly to the
    passengers. Also, the buffets should be set up correctly and the
    foods served should always be in accordance to the company’s
    instructions, daily.
  • Is responsible for the stewardesses’ daily shifts, in order to ensure
    that there is always service staff readily available for the passengers
    at the reception and the bar. Is responsible along with the chef for
    receiving provisions, quality control, checking if the quantity is
    according to the lists. Also, should oversee that all of the crew
    members are present for unloading the provisions.
  • Checking the receipts of supplies bought at the various ports, to
    register what has been bought and to ensure every receipt is signed
    and accounted for. The list with the receipts should be sent to the
    office signed by the chef as well.
  • Oversee daily that door handles, W.C, and staircase handles are
    disinfected, and hand disinfectant should always be available at the
    reception and the bars.
  • To meet with the hotel department crew once a week in regards to
    cleaning, sanitation for the various illnesses and what to do if they
    may occur. Also, about the suitable behavior towards guests,
    personal hygiene, passenger service, and the appropriate behavior
    on board the ship.
  • To complete the relevant list in regards to the meetings that have
    taken place, and what has been mentioned during those, and send a
    copy to the office.
  • Is responsible for picking up the passengers. During the time of their
    boarding everything should be ready in order to welcome them. The
    hotel personnel and the rest of the crew should be in positions,
    suitably dresses and according to the company’s regulations.
  • Should cooperate with the tour leaders for the schedule of each day.
  • Should actively participate in the special events on board the ship
  • Also, should make sure that all frayed CD’s, DVD’s and all board
    games are replaced.
  • To cooperate with the ship’s technicians for the correct operation of
    appliances. Also correct laundry staff training should take place for
    the correct usage of appliances and detergents.
  • To cooperate with the chef for the daily buffet menus and the various
    diets following always the instructions of the company.
  • Is responsible for properly preparing the service station and for
    checking constantly for the frequent renewal of cookies, cakes and
    fruit. Also, there should always be fresh hot coffee, warm water for
    tea (different types), Nescafe, decaffeinated, as well as mugs.
  • Should inspect the cabins and common areas before embarkation,
    so as to make sure that everything is in excellent condition. Also, in
    cooperation with the qualified representative should maintain the
    deck lounge chairs open and in place at the specific time. Lastly,
    should oversee for the frequent cleaning of windows from sea salt.
  • Should diligently abide by, according to instructions of the company,
    about what should be served at the welcome and farewell parties,
    drinks and canapés and should send a wine/drink list with what was
    served at the parties.
  • Should be informed, after cooperation with the charter company
    about who is eligible for “free drinks” during meals.
  • Should inspect if everything is in accordance while closing
    passenger accounts, and should always receive confirmation for the
    passenger checks which will be sent to the office after the end of
    each and every cruise.
  • Inspect if everything is in accordance while closing passenger
    accounts, and should always receive confirmation for the passenger
    checks which will be sent to the office after the end of each and
    every cruise.
  • Is responsible for a request and repairs list to always be present at
    the reception and for a signed copy of it to be sent to the office
    weekly, even if there haven’t been any complaints.
  • In cooperation with the chefs he should make sure that the kitchen is
    clean and should also maintain high standards of cleanliness and
  • Should complete an “end of the Cruises report” after each cruise and
    send it to the office.
  • Is responsible for the ships interior and exterior decoration during
    special nights.
  • Should make sure that regular meetings are carried out with the
    hotel crew including the chefs in order to inform of the evaluations
    results, the complaints made and why they were made.

Note: Seafarers are employed as per MLC requirements. Their monthly earnings correspond to 312
hours of work, or on average 10 hours of work per day, including Sundays.
Seafarer is entitled to minimum 10 hours of rest per 24 hours or minimum 77 hours of rest per 7 days.


Job Category: Hotel Manager
Job Type: 1-year contract
Job Location: Job at sea Worldwide

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